Email marketing campaigns that deliver results!

IDM specializes in email marketing services. Our goal is simple - to achieve measurable results for our clients based on strong email marketing strategies. Over the last 25 years, our email marketing campaigns have earned the business and trust of clients across the world. Our clients range from Fortune 500 corporations to locally owned and operated small businesses. By providing email marketing solutions that target your preferred customer, we are one of the best email marketing service providers available today. With our unique formula of email marketing and multi-channel advertising that targets your preferred audience, we help companies increase sales in a cost-effective way.

Email marketing
  • Email marketing strategy
  • Targeted deployments
  • Bot detection
  • Guaranteed click-through
  • High conversion rates
Interactive involvement
  • Forward to friends
  • View more info
  • Add products to carts
  • Visit websites
  • Post to social media
Reaching customers
  • Reach 230 million households.
  • Highest engagement rate.
  • Over 750 targeting options.
  • Nurture leads to sales.
Identify & engage
  • Email preferred devices.
  • Targeted and cost efficient.
  • Strong ROI for marketers.
  • Personalized messaging.

Opt-in email database

Our database is comprised of over 14 billion records and nearly 750 available demographic and lifestyle targeting options including Age, Gender, Geo, Household Income, Interests, Behaviors and more! We guarantee delivery to your preferred customers and higher click-through rates!

In-depth reporting

Our in-depth tracking shows you open and click percentages, clicks broken out by device type as well as providing heat maps for each email deployment - helping you to view your strongest and weakest performing links within your email campaign. Our experts will analyze the results and adjust your email marketing strategy to increase engagement on future email campaigns.

Email design & deliverability

Our innovative email marketing designs and solutions are 100% CAN-SPAM compliant guaranteeing highly targeted exceptional email deliverability. Our professional designers create a unique email marketing campaign geared to increase your target audiences engagement with your brand through the use of email marketing best practices.

No bots guaranteed

We are committed to delivering bot-free traffic. We use two 3rd party bot detection companies, in addition to our own proprietary methods to identify and filter bots in real time. We will identify and block most bots so they are blocked before they reach your website. If a bot does get through - we guarantee that we will replace those bots with a new valid click or visitor at no additional charge. We will reach your click through rate goal with valid visitors.

Concrete results for your business