Pain points are signs that your website may be due for an overhaul. Keeping up with current web design trends is important for your customers to interact with you. These can prevent your customers from having a great experience with your website. Pain points are real or perceived problems that your website visitors may encounter. This can include broken links, pages that take too long to load, or bad mobile design. Fixing them is the best way to help attract more clients, drive business, and make sales. The team at IDM is here to help. It is essential to address your website’s pain points and find the right solutions to alleviate them.
Website Design and Development
Is your website compatible with all browsers like Chrome and Firefox? If not, this may cause your site to appear differently depending on which browser is being used. More importantly, it may not function the same as it did on older versions of a browser. A website that isn’t compatible with current browsers can indicate a lack of attention to detail. It’s possible that potential customers may have concerns that your products or services may lack attention to detail as well. Your website is typically the first interaction you will have with a potential client. You need to make a good impression. A good rule is if your site hasn’t been updated in at least three years, it is time to upgrade.
Mobile Friendly Sites
Is your website mobile-friendly? If not, you could be missing out on potential customers. This is a big one since over 80% of website visits occur on a mobile device. In fact, it’s become so common that it is projected that by 2019, mobile advertising is expected to make up 72% of all U.S. digital ad spending. Most internet users own a smartphone these days, so if your site isn’t optimized to be mobile-friendly, then your potential customers will move on to the next website that is easily viewed on their phones.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO, or search engine optimization, is how customers find your company on the internet. When someone has a problem, the first thing they do is Google it to find a solution or answer. When the content of your website is optimized, it will show up when someone Googles a question, leading them to your site for the answers. SEO isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so if you feel that your content may not be SEO-friendly, it is time to solve that problem. There are free services available like SEO Site Check-Up that can tell you how well your site is optimized according to a 50-point check that mimics Google Search bots.
Content Strategy
A website’s purpose is to answer questions that your potential customers may have in hopes of giving them enough information that they will want to contact you to find out more. Unfortunately, due to the mass amount of information on the internet today the average person’s attention span is eight seconds – that’s one second less than a goldfish in case you were wondering. This means that your website’s content strategy must be concise and to the point. No one wants to try to sort through useless content and confusing links to get the information they are looking for. If they can’t find the answers to their problem right away, they will go somewhere else.
Increasing Your Site Traffic
Every business wants more customers, and the best way to achieve this is to increase your site traffic. There are several ways to solve this potential problem and one of the best ways is by promoting your site content through social media. By developing and implementing a targeted social media strategy based on buyer personas and market analysis, you can then use your social media platforms to funnel more traffic to your website.
Another way to increase your site’s traffic is through blogging. Consistent blogging is a simple way to attract customers to your website and provides valuable information and credibility to your brand, making your visitors more likely to trust your company. The content specialists at IDM work to create strategies for your social media outlets, websites, and blogs, to systematically grow your online traffic.
Lead Conversion
Increasing your site traffic is very important, but you also want to convert that traffic into leads. After all, conversion is the ultimate goal of your website, right? To do this, you must engage your visitors once they are on your site. But how do you do that? At IDM we help our customers gain more lead conversions by using tools such as CTA’s (calls to action), landing pages, and contact forms. Setting up conversion pages can help your business to generate quality leads that can turn into sales. While your traffic may be increasing, if they are not converting into solid leads then it won’t do your bottom line much good.
One way to convert your traffic into leads is a call to action. A call to action is a graphic ad that prompts a visitor to take action by either filling out a form, engaging on social media, or contacting your business. Call-to-action ads typically link to a Landing Page that contains a contact form. The visitor will then fill out the form in exchange for helpful information. This is called a conversion. Once the form is submitted, a representative from your business should reach out to the visitor to inquire if they need additional assistance.
When it comes to websites, the digital marketing experts at IDM understand pain points and are here to help. We will work with you to help you identify your site’s pain points and find solutions to resolve them with long-term results. Call IDM today at (757) 514-1671 to set up an appointment with one of our digital marketing experts.
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We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.